Match Director
​Dave Sundberg
Match Fees
Members $10
Non-Members $15
Second gun $2
Age 17 or under $0
Participating in Bullseye matches gives the shooter the opportunity to learn and refine their basic marksmanship fundamentals in a safe and comfortable environment.
Our Bullseye matches are held on the first or second Monday each month. We shoot 60 rounds on paper targets at 25 yards.
Shooters may choose one or two handed shooting from a standing, unsupported position. Competitors will be classified using modified NRA scoring brackets. Sights may be open, scope or red dot.
Course of fire:
20 rounds, slow fire—two targets of 10 rounds each fired in 10 minutes (each)
20 rounds, timed fire—two targets of 10 rounds each (two 5 shot strings in 20 seconds)
20 rounds rapid fire—two targets of 10 rounds each (two 5 shot strings in 10 seconds)